Jackie was a prolific writer and a published poet. Jackie's poetry focuses on his fascination with stardom, glamourous divas, and broken dreams.

He was proudest of his inclusion in "The Poets' Encyclopedia" published by the editors of the literary journal "Unmuzzled OX" in 1979.

Jackie's poem "B-Girls" is the longest work in the 310 page volume (8 pages). It is based upon Jackie's observations of the barroom denizens of "Slugger Ann's", his grandmother's bar.

The Star

The Star is ideally beautiful
The Star is pure
The Star is profoundly good

Beauty and spirituality
to form a mythic

Worshiped as heros,
The Stars are more
than objects of admiration
A religion in embryo
has formed 'round them

The Star
is like a patron saint
to whom the faithful
dedicate themselves,

- Jackie Curtis